Interning with US onAir

Intern with Democracy onAir


Over the past four years, Democracy onAir has been working with over 50 interns majoring in government, global affairs, communications, and the information sciences to develop the US Democracy onAir network of 50 state governance and elections hubs. The US Democracy Network serves as a model network for other countries.  Former interns are now working on creating networks for other countries such as the India Democracy Network.

Student interns will be supported by our Democracy onAir team if they choose to integrate their internship with courses for credit, class projects, capstone projects, and research work.  Most work is done online and unpaid.  Some of our recent interns have continued working with Democracy onAir in management positions.

The internship is intended to be a learning experience as much as it is a work experience. Inter will deepen their knowledge of democratic processes especially as it relates to their country’s federal and state governance. Interns will also gain a better understanding of contemporary politics and issues, whether they are local, regional, or national.

Contact to submit your resume and cover letter about what intern position you are interested in and why.

OnAir Post: Interning with US onAir

Why Become a Intern?

The primary internship benefits beyond helping to support US and global democracies are intended to be career-enhancing and fit your interests & strengths w/ our opportunities.

  • Learn about current issues, governance, & elections
  • Develop your communication & technology skills
  • Improve your collaboration & leadership abilities
  • Interact & network w/ politicians and their staffs
  • Visibility in your field; potential contact with thought leaders, organizations, and potential employers
  • Career opportunities with Democracy onAir
  • Have a post about yourself with PDFs and videos and place in the Hubs where you want to discovered

Internship Opportunities

Interns can engage in one or more of the following roles described below.

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